Sanity & Smoke Testing
Sanity and smoke testing are essential practices in software quality assurance. They help ensure stability and functionality by focusing on critical areas after bug fixes or new builds, saving time and resources in the testing process.
Sanity Testing
After bug fixes, sanity tests should be conducted to quickly verify that everything is functioning correctly and that the fix did not introduce new bugs. In fact, sanity tests are part of Regression Testing, where only the aspects related to the fix are checked quickly before Retesting and Regression testing.
Smoke Testing
After building the Build, small tests are conducted before running a set of Functional Tests, which saves time and money. For Smoke Tests, critical test cases are selected that impact the functionality of the system.
In summary:
- Sanity checks: They quickly verify only the areas related to fixes or development.
- Smoke tests: After deploying a new version to the testing environment, they check the entire system (regardless of fixes or new development), but perform quick and critical tests.